New Zealand - Milford Sound

Nestled in the southwestern corner of New Zealand, Milford Sound is hailed as the "Eighth wonder of the world" for its awe-inspiring natural beauty. The city is situated by a fjord in Fiordland National Park, where the fjord extends 15 km inland, surrounded by cliffs soaring 1,200 meters above sea level—a playground for playful seals, penguins, and dolphins.

Worth seeing
Milford Sound is a haven for nature lovers, offering myriad opportunities for hiking, cycling, and kayaking. The legendary 50 km Milford Trail winds through mountain passes and temperate rainforests, with cascading waterfalls tumbling down cliff faces. The landscape, adorned with indescribable beauty, served as a backdrop for scenes in "The Lord of the Rings" film.

Milford Sound experiences a unique climate with an annual precipitation of around 7000 mm—making it one of the world's wettest areas. As a point of comparison, Denmark receives approximately 745 mm of precipitation annually. In the New Zealand winter months from June to August, temperatures hover around 5-6 degrees, while the summer months from January to March see temperatures of approximately 15 degrees. It's advisable to have an umbrella handy to navigate the region's occasional rainfall. Milford Sound, with its cinematic landscapes and diverse climate, stands as a testament to the unparalleled wonders that nature can unfold.


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