Ecuador - Galapagos - Santa Cruz - Dragon Hill

Santa Cruz Island is the closest and most centrally located of the Galápagos Islands. Its capital is Puerto Ayora, which is also the most populated city on the island with approximately 12,000 inhabitants. Santa Cruz Island has a volcanic origin, but the last recorded volcanic activity occurred over a million years ago. Today, the island is a remarkable natural wonderland with lava tunnels, cliffs, turtles, iguanas, tropical birds, and much more.

Worth seeing
Puerto Ayora: The capital of the Galápagos Islands.

Charles Darwin Research Station: A nature conservation center.

Tortuga Bay: Known for its diverse fauna.

Las Grietas: A cliff formation.

Lava Tunnel: A 2km long lava tunnel.

The Galápagos Islands, located on the equator, can be visited year-round. Warm Season (December to May): During this period, you can expect plenty of sunshine and clear skies. It's the warmest time to visit. Cooler Season (June to November): This season brings slightly cooler temperatures due to southerly winds that bring the cold Humboldt Current northward, resulting in colder seawater. Both seasons offer unique experiences, and the choice of when to visit depends on your preferences and interests.

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