USA - Alaska - Skagway

Skagway, nestled at the bottom of North America's longest fjord in the state of Alaska, is a charming town with only 920 inhabitants. Despite its small population, Skagway attracts thousands of tourists who come to admire the stunning surrounding mountain landscape and the town's historic railway, which played a crucial role in transporting gold from the Klondike to Skagway.

Worth seeing
White Pass & Yukon Route Railway: A historic railway that was once used for transporting gold. Today, it offers tourists a scenic journey through the breathtaking landscape, providing a glimpse into the region's rich history.
Klondike Gold Rush National Park: Explore and learn about the history of the gold rush era and the lives of the old gold diggers.

Skagway experiences an oceanic coastal climate with mild summer months, where temperatures reach around 15 degrees, and cold winters with temperatures between 0 and 5 degrees.

American Dollars (USD)


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