Croatia - Dubrovnik

Dubrovnik, situated in Croatia along the Adriatic Sea, is one of the most frequented cities in the Mediterranean, despite its relatively small population of around 42,000. This popularity stems from the city's status as one of the world's finest preserved medieval urban centers, blending a rich historical tapestry with contemporary culture, including dining and shopping experiences.

The city's remarkably preserved streets have served as the backdrop for numerous films and series, most notably the immensely popular HBO show "Game of Thrones."

Worth seeing
Exploring the old city on foot and traversing its immaculately maintained city walls offer breathtaking vistas of medieval architecture and the expanse of the Adriatic Sea. To elevate your vantage point, a ride on Dubrovnik's cable car is highly recommended, granting panoramic views from high above the city, with the option to enjoy refreshments at the summit café. Placa Corso (Stradun) stands as the main shopping avenue, a lively boulevard where people shop and savor street-side dining.

Croatian kuna (HRK)


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