The thought of being trapped at sea on a rocking ship can give most people a nervous twitch - but fear not! It's not at all typical to experience seasickness on a cruise. We give you the answer to why right here...
Why don't I get seasick on a cruise?
You may have travelled on a ferry or sailing ship and found yourself hanging over the edge in a cold sweat, pale as a sheet, and you may dread going on a cruise for the same reason. Let's say it once and for all - there's no comparison!
Cruise ships are huge! Therefore, it takes an enormous amount of force for it to move off course or start rocking. In fact, on most ships, you can't even feel it move at all. If you take the Oslo ferry as a comparison, some of the smallest cruise ships are over twice the size, while the largest ships are almost seven times the size.
In addition, most ships are equipped with giant stabilisers that stick out of the side of the ship like giant fins, which counteract wave action and help keep the ship stable, even in rough weather.
Last but not least, shipping companies know that holiday time is a time for wellness, not nausea. That's why they constantly monitor the weather conditions on the sailing route so they can navigate around bad weather. In fact, it is quite common for ships to change course along the way, especially in the Caribbean during hurricane season.
In the unfortunate event of an accident...
Although very few people get seasick on cruises, it's still good to be prepared, so we've put together 10 tips on what to do if you get seasick.
â›´ Ask at reception
It is always possible to get seasickness pills free of charge at the ship's reception. It is also possible to buy them from home or in the terminal. Here it is also possible to buy various types of seasickness medication in the form of chewing gum, lollipops or acupressure bracelets.
The ship's reception is always free of charge.
â›´ Sit still or lie down
When experiencing seasickness, avoid moving around the ship as much as possible. Instead, find a bed or chair where you can lie down.
By doing this, your brain's balance centre will rest more than if you were standing up. The imbalance between your vision and inner ear is therefore not as severe.
â›´ Try to sleep
The best thing you can do when you experience seasickness is to give your body peace and rest, for example by taking a nap.
â›´ Do not read books, newspapers, etc.
It's a bad idea to read or watch films if you experience symptoms of seasickness. Instead, look up so your body gets a better sense between what you're seeing and what's moving.
â›´ Focus on a specific point
It can be good to focus on a stationary object, such as something on land or on the horizon.
â›´ Avoid dehydration
By drinking plenty of water, you avoid becoming dehydrated. For some people, drinking fizzy drinks also has a positive effect, as sugar can alleviate severe dehydration.
â›´ Eat light
Avoid heavy or spicy foods and eat light meals instead. Preferably salted biscuits or crisps, as this helps to restore the salt balance.
It is also recommended that you avoid smoking and alcohol, as this will only worsen the condition.
â›´ Get fresh air
It s a good idea to get some fresh air. Also preferably towards the centre of the ship, as this is where it tilts the least.
â›´ Focus on your breath
If you feel really bad, it can be good to focus on your breathing. Breathe slowly.
â›´ Tell your loved ones
If you notice that you are starting to feel unwell, remember to tell the people you are travelling with so that they are aware of it and can help you if you need it.
Have a good trip!
Isabella Andersen
Content & E-mail Coordinator
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14 good tips for your first cruise
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Secondly, it allows you to experience the city you're sailing from as part of your holiday. Many cruises start in great cities like Barcelona, Civitavecchia (Rome), New York or Miami - and you'd be foolish not to take the opportunity to explore such an exciting, vibrant and adventurous city. Book your return journey with plenty of time to disembark Have you planned your return journey based on a specific arrival time written in your itinerary? Then you should be aware that the time stated is the expected time that the ship is in harbour - and NOT the time when you can necessarily disembark! Most often, it will take at least an hour from the stated time, and you should also take into account that it can take time to get off the ship with your luggage when many people are disembarking at once. So if you're flying home from your cruise, you should also make sure you have plenty of time to get to the airport, if you're not also taking a day or two in the arrival city after the cruise. Book activities on board the ship from home Once your cruise is booked, you can start looking forward to it. But why not also start planning your days on board? "Can't it wait until I'm on the ship?" you might be thinking. And yes, it can. But especially on the big ships, it's a good idea to book a seat for the different shows from home, so you're sure to get a seat for exactly the show you want. Research (and book) excursions in the different destinations from home Whether you choose to book excursions with the cruise line or explore on your own, it's a good idea to prepare as much as possible for your destinations from home. It can all be overwhelming when you're on your first cruise, and if you haven't researched the destinations at home and prepared for the days ashore, you could end up not experiencing much - and that would be a shame! Especially on your first cruise, it can be nice to book excursions directly with the cruise line, so you don't have to decide on much other than taking in all the exciting impressions. TIP: Some excursions are very popular and sell out quickly. Therefore, it's a good idea to book them in advance to make sure you get a seat. However, not all excursions can be booked from home, so you should book these first when you board. Keep the dress code in check Oh, the word "dress code" can send a chill down the spine of many. If you've never been on a cruise before, you might be under the impression that the other guests show up in their finest clothes every night - but don't worry. The vast majority of cruises are pretty low-key when it comes to dress code, and it's entirely up to the individual how much you want to make a fuss about it. BUT that said, there is often a specific dress code for each evening that the cruise line encourages you to follow. This could be casual, formal or white night, for example. Check the individual dress codes in your pre-cruise itinerary and read up on what each one means. A good rule of thumb is to dress as you would if you were going to a nice restaurant at home - then you're good to go! Get a handle on what to bring in your suitcase Speaking of dress code... Packing for your first cruise can be a bit of a brain-teaser. How many outfits should I bring? How many shoes? And what about the towels and hairdryer? We've all been there. But don't stress - we've compiled our best packing tips for you here, along with a packing list to help you avoid stuffing your suitcase with unnecessary items. You're welcome! Pack a large carry-on Once you've got your suitcase sorted, it's time for your hand luggage, and here you may want to pack a slightly larger bag than you might normally do when travelling with a suitcase. When you arrive at the cruise terminal, you'll need to check in your suitcase, and often it won't be delivered to your cabin until several hours after you've boarded the ship. Therefore, it can be nice to have an extra set of clothes, swimwear, sunscreen or other essentials you'll need during your first hours on the ship in your hand luggage. Print your travel documents from home Before you set off on your cruise adventure, you'll need to complete your online check-in from home, and it's always a good idea to print out both your travel documents and luggage tags. Although many cruise lines are becoming more electronic and you can have your boarding pass in their app, sometimes internet coverage can be spotty in the cruise terminal - and the last thing you want to stress about at this point is whether you'll be allowed to board the ship. So do yourself (and the cruise terminal staff) the favour of carrying your travel documents with you in paper form just in case. ...and REMEMBER to keep them packed easily accessible in your hand luggage along with your passport! Download the cruise line's app on your mobile It can be a good idea to download the cruise line's app from home. Here you can typically see an overview of your journey, the daily activities and dress codes, read about the ship and much more! And, with several cruise lines, you can use the app's chat function to get in touch with your fellow travellers when you're out at sea with mobile data turned off - really smart if you're travelling in a larger group in particular. Drinks package or not? You've probably heard of the infamous hydration packs - maybe you've heard some say they're a necessity, while others will say they're a waste of money. Whether or not you should buy a drink pack is very different from person to person. So how do you know if a drink package is right for you? Do your homework and research the prices of different drink packages and what they include. Keep in mind that most soft drinks like soda often also require a drink package, while juice, milk, iced tea, coffee and tea are usually included. If you need help assessing whether you should purchase a drinks package, you can always talk to our skilled travel consultants. What's the deal with tips? This may come as a surprise to new cruise travellers! Even if you've paid one price for your cruise, you still need to make room in your budget for gratuities, which are a fixed daily amount that varies from line to line and is typically charged directly to the credit card you registered during your online check-in. This way, you don't have to worry about tips during your holiday, and instead of just paying your waiter or cleaning staff, the money is distributed among all the staff on board who help make your holiday amazing. TIP: Make it as easy as possible on yourself and prepay your gratuities along with your trip before your cruise, so you don't have to worry about it on the way. Pay extra attention to time when you are ashore This is hopefully self-explanatory, but getting back to the ship on time is very important. You don't want to be left standing on the dock after the ship has sailed off to its next destination. Therefore, you should always check - and double-check - what time you need to be back, and preferably be back extra early to be on the safe side. Most of the time, the latest time you need to be back on the ship will be in the daily programme, which you either receive in your cabin or can see in the app. If you're travelling across time zones, however, it can immediately become more challenging. To avoid confusion about what time it is when travelling across time zones, you have what's called "ship time". With ship time, you set one time zone (typically the one you start your cruise in) that the ship follows even if you enter a new time zone. If you're unsure what time it is while travelling, you can always check the cruise line's app or the phone in your cabin, which tracks ship time. Use the first day to get an overview of the ship Cruise ships are big. I mean, huge! Even the smaller ships will surprise you in terms of size, so boarding a cruise ship for the first time can be overwhelming - and it can be hard to find your way around at first. Spend a few hours on your first day exploring the ship and its many decks, and you'll have a much better overview of the facilities for the rest of your holiday. Read the daily itinerary while on board The daily programme is like a menu of activities on board the ship, which you receive in your cabin or can view in the app with information about the following day. Especially on the big ships, there are SO many activities to do every single day that it can be almost impossible to figure out where and when everything is happening - unless you've read the daily programme. Whether you want to go to karaoke night, yoga, an auction, a music quiz or something else, the travel programme is your go-to guide filled with useful information about the day ahead. Please note that some cruise lines only have the itinerary in the app, but if you want to have a physical copy, you can pick it up in Guest Relations on the ship. We hope this blog post has given you a little insight into what to expect and how to make the most of your first cruise. We hope you enjoy it!
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Prejudices, myths and misconceptions about cruises
Overcrowded cruise ships, expensive beverages, subpar safety, and exorbitant prices? You've probably heard it all before, but now we're debunking all the myths about cruise vacations. It might be challenging to imagine what a cruise vacation can actually offer until you've experienced it yourself. Whether you're traveling alone, with family, or as a couple, cruise vacations are very popular among many because this particular type of vacation includes so many different experiences all in one package. If you're in charge of planning your vacation, it can take a lot of time and energy to book a hotel, arrange transportation, provide meals, plan activities, and ensure that everything fits together in terms of timing. When you choose to go on a cruise vacation, you get both accommodation, meals, and activities for the whole family, all while you sail out into the vast and exciting world. Despite the many advantages, there are still many people who hold various misconceptions about what a cruise vacation is like and who goes on such types of vacations. That's why we've decided once and for all to dispel all the myths and preempt any preconceptions. Myth #1 - All shipping routes are the same False ✗ There are so many different sailing itineraries that you'd never finish if you tried them all. There are classic itineraries such as a trip around the Western Mediterranean, which is pretty much the same for all shipping companies, but also a multitude of routes that change from week to week. In addition, shipping companies also offer unique itineraries when ships need to change destination from summer to winter season. For example, you can sail from Copenhagen to Barcelona or perhaps from Genoa to Miami. Today, we offer hundreds of different routes with the shipping companies we work with, so there's definitely something for everyone - and the myth that all sailing routes are the same? Well, that's been well and truly debunked. Myth #2 - Cruises are boring False ✗ The idea that cruises are boring is perhaps a traditional myth among younger audiences. However, most ships today have so many different activity options that it's impossible to get bored. Here's an overview of some of the activities available on many of the ships we offer tours on: Surfing simulator Ice skating rink Skydiving simulator Go-cart track Climbing wall Laser tag Tennis court Minigolf Fitness centre with team training Fairground rides (carousels, bumper cars and roller coasters) Water rides. Several swimming pools and jacuzzis Wellness centre (on some ships it's even included in the price) Massages Classes and courses (e.g. dance, food, make-up, hair or drinks) Theatre performances and shows Lawn for picnics or croquet Casino Library Of course, what you find fun and what you find boring is a matter of taste and quite individual. But one thing's for sure - there's no shortage of activities if you're on board a cruise ship. Check what's on offer on the ship before you book your holiday. The bigger and newer the ships, the more facilities and activities there tend to be. The above list is just a rough list. You can see exactly what activities are available on your holiday under the ship's info. Ps. If you're not already convinced, there's also the fact that you'll be visiting a wide range of exciting countries where you can go ashore and explore the local sights. Myth #3 - Drinks are way too expensive True ✓ and false ✗ On some cruise lines, drinks are included in the price, on others they are not. This is probably where most people go wrong if they haven't realised that drinks are not included in their trip. Drinks are more expensive to buy on board than if you buy a drinks package. That's why all cruise lines offer drink packages in different price ranges, depending on whether you want them with or without alcohol. These can be purchased before the cruise. Research and decide which drink package you want before you set off. Myth #4 - It's always the same boring buffet food False ✗ Boring salad bar, heated food, lacklustre brunch? Think again. Most cruise ships today are equipped with a world-class kitchen. Depending on which cruise line you choose to travel with, you can enjoy culinary experiences ranging from Japanese to Brazilian cuisine. If you have special dietary needs, no problem. Many of the cruise lines we see today work with award-winning chefs and offer a wide range of allergy-friendly, gluten-free and vegetarian dishes, so everyone can eat on board. If you're looking for a more intimate experience, several ships even offer the option of a private dinner, so you can enjoy an evening alone. Bonus info: Most people think that the buffet is the only place to get a free breakfast, which is why they often go there. That's actually not the case. For breakfast and lunch, you can also order à la carte in one of the main restaurants at no extra cost - just like in the evening. Some cruise lines have room service included and you can order and have breakfast delivered to your own cabin and enjoy it with a view from your own balcony. Myth #5 - Cruise ships are not safe False ✗ Are cruise ships safe? It's a question that's often asked. Perhaps there's an old fear in people from the story of the Titanic, but don't worry - cruise ships are safe and there's no need to worry about major accidents or sinkings. The danger of sinking is statistically low, and past incidents have only served to increase the safety of cruising today. Another concern that has crept in during the Covid 19 pandemic is the risk of infection outbreaks and the fear of being trapped on the ship in the event of an accident. However, there is no need to worry here either. There are many hygiene measures in place on ships, such as using hand sanitiser, disinfecting common areas and thoroughly cleaning cabins. If you're worried about being "trapped" on a cruise ship like you were at the start of the coronavirus pandemic, you can rest assured that those scenarios won't happen again. Cruise lines have made agreements with the harbours they visit so that they are always able to get passengers ashore in the event of an outbreak. Plus, a cruise holiday is the perfect bubble in these times, as everyone is tested before boarding and during the journey. So, we would almost dare to say that cruise holidays are one of the safest forms of holiday in these times. Read more about the cruise lines' many safety measures here Myth #6 - Cruises are only for older people False ✗ It's a fun myth that cruising is a retirement holiday. It's true that in many cases it's a very senior-friendly holiday, and that as a pensioner you can enjoy the many benefits that can be found on the ships. But did you know that cruises are also great for family holidays, couples holidays or if you're travelling with friends? On a cruise, there's plenty of fun and colour, relaxation, self-indulgence and much more! In the cruise world, there are ships to suit everyone - it's just a matter of choosing the ship that best suits your needs. Myth #7 - Cruises are expensive It's all relative. Obviously, an all-inclusive holiday will cost more than if you choose a holiday where meals and activities are not included in the price. But everything is relative! Most cruises have become so competitively priced that today there's not much difference between traditional all-inclusive charter holidays and cruises. There are many ways to make it cheaper to choose cruising as a holiday option. For example, there are several cruise lines that allow children under 12 years old to sail for a very low price. There are also cases where there are volume discounts if you book your holiday together. At the end of the day, cruises are not necessarily more expensive than other all-inclusive holidays. In most cases, it will be the flight tickets that will be the deciding factor in whether the price is higher. Myth #8 - Cruise ships are claustrophobic False ✗ When you hear that there's room for 8000 people on a ship, it's easy to think that it's crowded. That's not the case at all. The ships are huge. So big that it's hard to find your way around. Several of the shipping companies mark the carpets with the ship's sailing direction to help guests' sense of direction and make sure they don't get lost. Of course, it depends on the individual and when you feel overwhelmed and surrounded by too many people. However, most cruise ships today are so large that there's plenty of room for all guests, staff and more. On the big ships, there's plenty of space, air and light, and there's plenty of opportunity to take walks in an open environment. In fact, it's often only during the boarding process that you'll notice the crowds of people. What most people are referring to when they say that being on board a cruise ship can be claustrophobic is that you're out at sea and don't have the opportunity to get off before the ship docks again. However, with the size of ships today, there's minimal risk that you'll feel claustrophobic on board. If you do tend to feel claustrophobic, you may want to book an outside cabin, or even a cabin with a balcony where you can go outside and get some fresh air directly from your room - all to yourself. Myth #9 - Cruises only visit the most touristy ports True ✓ and false ✗ There are many different cruise ports around the world, and it's true that there will be a risk of running into the so-called 'tourist traps'. Some cruise ports can be packed with tourists, which can make it difficult to find unique experiences. The busiest, and therefore most touristy, harbours are usually in Mexico, Florida and the Caribbean islands. Whether you're sailing in high or low season also plays a role in how many tourists you'll encounter on your trip. That said, there are so many options when you're in harbour that it's always possible to find little gems where there are no tourists. Of course, there is also the option of choosing routes that visit smaller and unknown places where you won't feel like you're in the middle of a tourist trap. Myth #10 - Not enough time in the harbour True ✓ and false ✗ Again, it's individual how much time you want to spend at different destinations. If you go on a cruise, you will often sail at night and be in harbour during the day. Depending on the day-to-day itinerary, you'll typically be in a new place when you wake up in the morning. Some may feel that this may not be enough time to explore on land - especially if you have a strong desire to see some sights that may be a little further away from the harbour. If that's the case, we recommend booking one of the cruise lines' own organised tours to ensure you make it back before the ship sails on. Alternatively, there are also cruise lines that offer overnight cruises in the city you're in. However, in our experience, most guests are happy with a short day in port, where they have time to stroll around the city, do some shopping and experience the local charm before moving on. Myth #11 - You have to wear formal clothes and everyone is a snob True ✓ and false ✗ It is true that there are dress codes on most cruise ships. It varies from cruise line to cruise lines what the dress code is - but in the vast majority of cases, it's NOT all dress and fancy dress. You're on holiday, so of course everything is casual. If you're looking for a good guide to what the different categories of dress codes entail, here's an overview: Casual - Casual clothing. Men: light-coloured trousers and a T-shirt. However, in most cases, shorts and sandals are not allowed in restaurants. Women: the same as men, or a regular skirt or dress. Elegant/sport casual - This is a little nicer than casual. Here, men are often seen wearing a suit jacket. However, a tie is not required. Women: Here again, trousers, skirts or dresses that are not too short or low-cut are allowed. Informal - Slightly nicer clothes. Men: Nice trousers with a suit jacket and preferably a tie. Women: Nice dress or skirt with a nice top. Formal - It's time to get your best clothes out. It will not be a fixed dress code that you have to wear this kind of clothing for the entire trip. Usually it will be for the captain's cocktail party, other events or similar events. Men wear tuxedos and women wear dresses. If you don't have such clothes in your wardrobe, don't worry. It can be rented on board. In recent years, cruising has become much more mainstream and therefore formal dress codes are less common. However, there are still some things that are not acceptable. For example, in most places you are not allowed to wear sandals and shorts during the evening meal. Myth #12 - Cruises are not for big families False ✗ It's true that it was once standard on cruise ships that most rooms were only suitable for two or four guests. But over time, most cruise lines have responded to the growing interest from families in travelling on a cruise together. As a result, family suites have been added to most large ships. On Royal Caribbean International's larger ships, you can find examples of suites that sleep up to eight people in two bedrooms. If you choose an Ultimate Family Suite, for example, you can expect an extremely child-friendly experience with a large two-storey suite with a slide from the first floor down, as well as plenty of entertainment in the suite, including air hockey, a small cinema and video games. However, all cruise lines also offer family cabins of the more standard (and affordable) kind, which can accommodate a family of 4 or 5. All cruise lines also offer several child-friendly services, such as free evening babysitting, so parents can enjoy a relaxing, child-free evening, safe in the knowledge that their children will be well looked after by trained staff. And many also have fun kids' clubs for different age groups. Myth #13 - You get seasick on cruises False ✗ The short answer is: No, you don't get seasick on a cruise. Most cruise ships are huge. The big cruise ships, which are around 15 stories tall and hold between 3000-5000 passengers, rock minimally - and most of the time not at all. There can even be violent storms and high seas, and even then you'll hardly notice you're travelling at sea. Read more about why you don't get seasick on a cruise here